Desperate to use free electricity?

This week, Octopus offered customers free electricity for an hour during the day on certain tariffs. What’s not to like about having something for free? The problem of course is that to make that work, you need to be able to take advantage of it, which ideally means turning on the washing machine, or dishwasher, plugging in the electric car and generally trying to use as much electricity as you can. Of course, if you are all out at work, or don’t set an alarm its very easy to just miss out. Or you might not want to run around turning everything on, in fact, a dishwasher cycle and washing machine often take much longer than an hour so maybe not so helpful. Wouldn’t it be simpler if you could store that free electricity to use as and when it suits you? Well of course with ESME home energy storage, you can do just that. Our latest app does all the hard work for you, so if there is a free event like the one this week, we stop using the batteries and start charging them, storing the free electricity to use anytime you need.
If you want to start making huge savings on your electricity, try our cost-saving calculator and see for yourself how much you could be saving.
ESME - Energy Savings Made Easy.


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