Don’t take our word for it - have a look at the energy bill.

At ESME we know storing energy in batteries can be cost saving. Storing the cheap night time electricity and then using it during the day when buying it could cost as much as 3x more. Couple of things here first, daytime and night time are really not as useful as saying peak and off-peak. Since Peak is actually usually until about 11:30pm, for most of us, thats pretty much your whole day. It’s also long after any solar you have has stopped producing any real benefit, so you are forced back into using the grid. But those with solar panels will say, “I sold my excess back to the grid today, so I’m quids in”. Well a quick look at your sale price versus the purchase price will show you who benefits most from that relationship and to be far why would the grid want to buy your electricity when everyone is making it and there’s likely too much to use in any event. Of course as soon as the sun goes down, you have no choice but to buy it back, and most likely at a far higher rate.
So storing abundant cheap electricity has to be the answer, and that goes for whoever makes it. Yes if you have solar and make too much, store it for yourself with batteries, stop buying it back later at a greater cost. Chances are you dont need many batteries to save a great deal of money.
If you don’t make your own electricity by having solar or even your own wind turbine, then but the cheap off peak, green renewable energy and store that to use in the peak. Either way you will be part of the green solution and save money.
Take a look at my energy bill from a day last month. I am now with Octopus, on the Intelligent Octopus Go.
Priced at:
7.50p per kWh between 23:30 - 05:30 (Off Peak)
27.94p per kWh between 05:30 - 23:30 (Peak)

(Thats 3.7x more expensive during peak)

In the image below you can clearly see all my energy use is outside of the peak use, the straight line that goes up along and back down is the price indicator. The bars show when I am buying my electric, all of it is outside of Peak times. The savings speak for themselves

If you would like to see how much you could be saving, use the simple calculator on the home page of the website.
We would love to help you save money and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time.


Energy Price Cap falls - but for how long?


Yes I missed the Northern Lights, so I aimed for our North Star!