Yes I missed the Northern Lights, so I aimed for our North Star!

Ok so like so many of us last week, I woke up to see all my socials full of amazing Northern Lights photos and couldn't believe I missed them. But the Northern lights reminded me we needed to set our North Star for ESME and started me thinking about the concept of guidance and direction, not just in a personal sense, but in our professional and collective journey as well. I know that in the world of business we need a guiding light. So we have started to define our North Star, and I am keen to hear feedback and thoughts from others who have done this for their business and how it has aligned thinking, engaged teams and created a sense of purpose for your business.

Our North Star needs to encapsulate much of our thinking;
to encourage everyone to reduce their carbon footprint,
to make better use of renewable energy by storing it efficiently,
to remove the peak energy requirements that have to be met with dirty gas fired power stations,
to make the solution affordable and in reach of all home owners
to engage with everyone and share the benefits

We want a clear, guiding principle that directs our efforts and aligns our actions with the much larger purpose. When I think about the widespread adoption of recycling, it started with a few committed individuals and organisations, but as the importance of sustainability became clearer, more people and companies joined in. Today, recycling is a common practice that contributes significantly to environmental conservation.

At ESME I would like to think storing cheap, green, energy could be as commonplace. So whilst I now think about how I could travel, sustainably of course, to see the Northern Lights, I will work on our North Star and see where this journey is going to take us.


Don’t take our word for it - have a look at the energy bill.


We don’t have enough storage…